Hi, I'm Kenneth!

Hello there! I'm a web developer based in the Philippines, and I've been immersed in the world of coding since 2020. Over time, I've gathered a toolkit that includes PHP, JavaScript, CSS, and HTML—essentials for my daily projects. While I'm no stranger to Django and Wordpress, my true passion lies with Laravel, Alpine JS, Inertia, Tailwind CSS, Vue, and Nuxt. These technologies have become my trusted companions, accompanying me on almost every coding journey.

One of the aspects of software development that excites me the most is the pursuit of the perfect architecture for a given task. There's nothing quite like that "eureka" moment after multiple refactors and countless cups of tea. It's the culmination of creativity and problem-solving skills that makes this field endlessly fascinating to me.

My favourite part of developing software is that feeling when, perhaps after several refactors and a few too many cups of tea, you find the perfect architecture for the task at hand.

In addition to building web applications, I specialize in API integration. I have experience working with APIs from platforms such as HubSpot, Cin7, Dropbox, Xero, and more. Integrating these APIs seamlessly into web applications allows for enhanced functionality and streamlined workflows, providing users with a cohesive experience across multiple platforms.

Why is your site so basic?

This website serves as my digital playground—a canvas where I can share my thoughts, ideas, and tutorials with the world. I've intentionally kept the design simple and minimalist for a specific reason: speed. By prioritizing simplicity, I ensure that content loads swiftly on any device or connection. In fact, this site loads in less than a second, even on a 3G network. Simple doesn't mean lacking; it means efficient and accessible.

I believe in the power of content over flashy visuals or unnecessary features. This website is all about delivering value to visitors without any distractions. There are no tracking mechanisms or attempts to sell you something you don't need—just pure, unadulterated content. It's my way of saying, "Here's what I have to offer; take it or leave it."

Feel free to check them out (or don't, you have free will). If you want to reach out and chat code, I'm all ears! You can reach me at any of my links listed here.

Fun facts about me ☕

Beyond coding, I have a few other interests that keep me busy. I love hosting podcasts, where I get to explore topics beyond the realm of programming. Occasionally, I also dabble in video editing, adding another creative dimension to my skill set. And when it's time to unwind, you'll often find me immersed in the world of mobile gaming, with Mobile Legends being a particular favorite.